- We overpersuaded her finally. 我们终于说服了她。
- My daughter took her final exams and passed them with flying colours. 我女儿参加了期末考试,并获得了成功。
- Fiona was over the moon when she learned she had passed all her final exams. 菲奥纳得知她已通过了全部的期终考试后欣喜若狂。
- She sailed through her final exanination. 她顺利地通过了期末考试。
- That was her final judgment on the story. 这就是她对整个故事的最后判断。
- She sailed through her final examination . 她顺利地通过了期末考试。
- Yingji worried about her final examination. 英姬担心期末考试.
- She is grinding away for her final exams. 她正为期终考试而刻苦呢。
- A year before her final exam Annika is kicked out of school. Annika在她的终期考试之前一年被踢出校。
- Her final answer to my question would be affirmative. 她对我问题的最后回答,将会是肯定的。
- She takes her finals next summer. 她明年夏天要参加毕业考试。
- The contestant was waiting for her final score on pins and needles. 这位参赛选手正在焦急万分地等待她最后的得分。
- She is boning up for her finals. 她在拼命用功,准备大考。
- His own relation gives us a remarkably objective account of her final attempt. 他自己的叙述非常客观地为我们描绘了她的最后一次尝试。
- Back in her hometown of Casablanca, her final was televised live at 2 a.m. 而在她的家乡卡萨布兰卡,电视直播她的决赛时间是凌晨2点。
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可悲的损失?
- I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。
- This additional energy will allow our Mothership to employ her final ability. 这额外的能量使我们的"母舰"可以使出她的杀手锏!
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。